Railroads are private property and those who trespass on them are subject to fines and/or arrest (Federal Railroad Administration, nd)

A majority of freight trains are approaching much faster than they appear; it can take up to a mile for a train going 40mph to make a complete stop

Trains have the right-of-way over cars, emergency vehicles and pedestrians in the state of Michigan (Michigan Legislature, 2009)

The modern train is very quiet when it approaches

Unlike passenger trains, freight trains do not run on set schedules

The State of Michigan ranks 15th in the nation in regards to train/motor vehicle collisions (Operation Lifesaver, 2012)


Federal Railroad Administration. (nd). Chapter 9: trespassing. Retrieved from: http://www.fra.dot.gov/downloads/safety/cross_chp9.pdf

Michigan Legislature. (2009). Section 462.273: railroad code of 1993 (excerpt). Retrieved from: http://www.legislature.mi.gov/%28S%28z4z4ji55wsmckb55gq1rjbyh%29%29/mileg.aspx?page=GetObject&objectname=mcl-462-273

 Operation Lifesaver. (2012). Collisions by state: highway-rail crossing collisions-top 15 states. Retrieved from: http://oli.org/about-us/news/statistics/collisions-by-state


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